Contenido general:
Typing, shorthand, correspondence, translation. Introduction, Application and Reference letters, Curriculum vitae, The secretary’s professionalism, Appointment and Recommendation letters, Thank you and Information letters, Promotion and Sales letters, Billing forms and memos, Quotation and Replies to quotation letters, Letter of inquiry, Professional’s formation, Refusal of order, Complaint letter, Adjustment letter, Organizational skills, Asking for credit letter, Asking credit references, Granting credit letter, Replies to requesting credit, Order letter, Approval credit letter, Invoices, Acknowledgment letter, Denying extension of credit letter, Collect letter, Payment and remittance letter, Claim letter, letters of congratulation and condolence, Accepting and inviting, Declining an invitation, Inter-office memoranda, Circulars, Memos, Computer’s vocabulary, Business documents, notices, agendas and minutes, Legal papers, Preparing legal documents and Printed legal forms. Technical part: Open table. Ruled table. Boxed table. Invoice. Schedules. Ruled tables sideways. Filing: Alphabetical system. Variadex system. Numeric system. Subject system. Geographic system. Evaluations for each practice. Three complete final labs.
Elizabeth Castro Mazariegos
Supervised Practice for Secretaries - 2021
Texto dirigido a la carrera de Secretariado Bilingüe, para la práctica de mecanografía, dictado, taquigrafía, correspondencia y traducción inglés-español.